Friday, July 20, 2012

Dakota's warped door.

Door line moving with her knee 
Line above her foot moves.

Nice false lashes, Dakota

Photoshop Fails

From her blog. A picture of her in japan. The entire wall is warped due to her use of liquify tool to make herself appear skinnier.

Not only is her chin smaller but pay attention to the line behind her that's circled. Notice anything odd?

Left: Her own youtube video. Right: Japan interview

TV being warped.

Her pupil is stretched out due to making her eyes appear larger with the liquify tool.

Top: Black object distorted. Bending into her leg. Bottom: Black object straight, leg also not as "skinny" as the first picture.

Chin gifs

This gif is the first one I ever made of Dakota, awwww. It feels like it was just yesterday  even though the date on the file was from March. 

This one  is from another one of her videos, below  is a two frame gif showing her chin basically losing about half an inch.